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Diarrhea is characterised by an increased volume and fluidity of watery, and loose stools. Viral Diarrhea is rarely serious unless contracted by young children and the elderly. Diarrhea resulting from ulcerative colitis or cholera may be life-threatening if left untreated.

NOTE: If diarrhea is persistent, severe pain is present, blood or mucus appears in the stool, or symptoms continue for more than 48 hours, see your doctor. If an infant has six or more watery stools a day or diarrhea for more than 24 hours and is not taking in adequate fluids, see a doctor.

There are several types of diarrhea:
1. Osmotic diarrhea
2. Secretory diarrhea:
3. Malabsorption:
4. Exudative:
5. Altered intestinal transit


1. Frequent watery/loose stools
2. Abdominal pain
3. Dehydration and depending on severity severe electrolyte loss.
4. Vomiting
5. Cramping
6. Fever


Generally, treatments for mild or viral diarrhea will include:
1. Electrolyte and fluid replacement is important to prevent dehydration.
2. Sticking to a liquid diet for at least 24 hours will give the gut time to rest.
3. Drinking 3 cups of rice water a day may assist in forming firmer stools and provide needed B vitamins
4. Probiotics and supplements
5. Colloidal silver (natural antibiotic)
6. Diet

Nutrients and supplements:
1. Colloidal silver – is a natural antibiotic
2. Diarrhea formula – used for diarrhea
3. Probiotics – are used to replace friendly bacteria in the gut
4. Zinc – assists with tissue repair in the digestive tract and boosts the immune response.
5. Vitamin B Complex – is required for proper digestion and absorption of nutrients
6. L-Glutamine – assists with gut repair and is immune-boosting
7. Buffered Vitamin C – is required for healing and immunity
8. Kelp – replaces minerals lost through diarrhea
9. Vitamin E – protects the cell membranes lining the colon


Diarrhea is most commonly caused by a virus that infects the bowel (viral gastroenteritis).
Other possible causes can include:
1. A bacterial infection.
2. Food allergies (Celiac disease or lactose intolerance).
3. Infections by other organisms
4. Eating foods that upset the digestive tract (Spicy foods)
5. Medications.
6. Radiation therapy.
7. Excess alcohol consumption
8. Ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, and cancer
9. Emotional stress

Underlying Emotions

Feelings of fear, rejection, and running off. With fear there is no time to analyze incoming impressions; instead, we let these feelings pass through undigested, The process of losing a lot of fluid, can symbolise that flexibility is needed if we are to overcome our fear. Fear is most often connected with constriction and tightness, and therefore the remedy for this fear is to let go and expand.


1. Foods that are easy to digest are best to eat when suffering from diarrhea. The BRAT diet can assist control short-term diarrhea. BRAT stands for:
B – bananas
R – white rice
A – peeled apples
T – Toasted white bread

2. It is essential to replace fluids and minerals. For that purpose, you can drink filtered water, vegetable juices, broths, and herbal teas. 3 cups of rice water taken daily may be beneficial to create firmer stools and to provide B Vitamins. Rice water may be prepared by boiling half a cup of brown rice in three cups of water for 45 min. Strain the rice and drink the water, the rice can be consumed as well

3. Avoid dairy products, fatty foods, gluten-containing foods, caffeine, alcohol, and spicy foods. Avoid high fiber foods as these may put stress on the digestive system


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