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Acquired immune deficiency syndrome where a person slowly and progressively succumbs to various infections and tumours that eventually prove fatal. It affects all age groups and both sexes.


Early symptoms may include enlargement of the lymph glands and spleen, fever, thrush type infections, diarrhoea, constipation, weight loss, sore throat, respiratory illnesses, bruising and bleeding, fatigue. In later stages, a person develops further serious infections such as Herpes, Pneumonia, Meningitis, gastrointestinal disorders such as Salmonella infections, Kaposi’s sarcoma, Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, or cancers


1. Immune boosting will be of primary importance, this will be done through lifestyle changes, diet, natural remedies, and supplements.
2. Fresh air and rest
3. Ozone therapy, rife therapy

Allopathic treatments include HIV medicines called ART’s (antiretroviral therapy)

Nutrients and supplements:
1. Colostrum + – helps control AIDS-related diarrhoea and acts as an immune booster.
2. Colloidal silver – a natural antibiotic that aids with inflammation and healing of skin lesions
3. L-Arginine – assists with the reduction in tumor growth and is also an immune booster.
4. L-Methionine – a powerful antioxidant
5. Quercetin & Bromelain – inflammation reduction and immune boosting
6. Selenium – antioxidant and immune booster.
7. Vitamin B Complex
8. Buffered Vitamin C – immune boosting
9. Vitamin D3 – regulates proper immune function.
10. Mushroom caps- aids function of T-helper cells.
11. St John’s Wort – contains hypericin and pseudohypericin that helps inhibit retroviral infection.
12. Beta Glucans – Beta-glucans is an immunomodulating agent as it activates innate immune cells. It may act as an immune booster in AIDS patients


AIDS is caused by a virus called human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), a ribonucleic (RNA) retrovirus. It is generally accepted that an HIV-positive person will eventually develop AIDS, there may be a period of many years without any sign of illness. HIV is transmitted in blood and body fluids. People at risk are sexually active persons who have sexual intercourse with a partner infected with HIV. Intravenous drug users who share contaminated needles are also at risk as are Babies born to HIV-positive mothers or mothers who have AIDS. General social or family contact does not pose a risk of infection.

Underlying Emotions

Sexual guilt, not feeling good enough, feeling hopeless and defenseless. A cultural denial of death, perhaps a shadow aspect of the universal subconscious.


The following eating principles are indicated :
A low sugar, low cholesterol, high fiber, or vegetarian cleansing diet or short fast diet. Calorie percentages: 70% complex carbohydrates, protein 12-15%, fat 15-18%.
Avoid the following: trans-fatty acids, hydrogenated oils (margarine, vegetable shortenings, imitation butter spreads, most commercial peanut butter) oxidized fats (deep-fried foods, fast food, ghee, barbequed meats), refined, simple carbohydrates: sucrose, white flour, processed foods, caffeine, hot and spicy foods, soy and soy products, smoking, and alcohol.
Increase intake of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, nuts, seed oils, salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines, walnuts, flaxseed oil, evening primrose oil, and black currant oil. Increase foods that tonify the Kidney also foods high in carotenoids, bioflavonoids, Zinc, Vitamins A, C, and E. Ganoderma mushrooms, Maitake, Reishi, and Shiitake mushrooms, black beans, barley congee with astragalus, and cruciferous vegetables.


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