Focus CBD Oil


Focus CBD Oil is a  unique blend of key terpenes and medical grade CBD Oil, designed to calm down your mind and body. Focus actively combats anxiety and stress so that you can focus 100% on the task at hand.
Focus CBD has been proven highly successful in boosting concentration levels & improving focus.

Benefits include mood enhancement, relief from depression, anti-inflammatory properties and more.

How does it work?
Binds to receptors in the brain. These receptors influence body functions like pain sensation, mood, memory and appetite.

Availability: 1 in stock

50% CBD full spectrum oil
Terpenes infused
MCT oil
Peppermint flavor

Why Does CBD Work?
To understand why CBD works, it’s best to understand how. First, CBD works with your endocannabinoid system, which is designed to promote homeostasis — or harmony — within your body. In fact, endocannabinoids are actually cannabis-like molecules made naturally within your body.
When you use CBD, it influences or activates these receptors. It has also been found to influence non-cannabinoid receptors as well.

Figuring out the right amount for you
The amount of CBD you should take depends on a range of factors, including:
• your body weight.
• the condition you’re treating.
• your individual body chemistry.
• the concentration of CBD in each drop.

1. Do not take if pregnant or lactating
(lack of studies to prove safety in these circumstances)
2. Consult your physician before use


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