
Constipation is where bowel movements are difficult or infrequent. due to hard dry stools or as a result of food moving slowly through the large intestine. Constipation can affect people of all ages and it is likely that most people will experience constipation at some point in their lives. In healthy individuals, it is normal to have a bowel movement from once a day up to 3 times a day. With constipation, toxins from the stool may be reabsorbed into the bloodstream leading to health problems or complicating existing ones. Toxins from fecal bacteria and undigested food particles may contribute towards the development of diabetes, thyroid disease, candidiasis, migraines, fatigue, and ulcerative colitis.

NOTE: If constipation occurs with sudden severe abdominal pain, and/or there is rectal bleeding, bloating and the inability to pass a stool, it may be prudent to see a medical professional, to determine whether there is a bowel obstruction or an underlying problem. Signs and symptoms:
1. Infrequent defecation that may be painful, categorised by small, hard stools.
2. The feeling of an incomplete stool passage.
3. Passing fewer than three stools a week.
4. Straining to have bowel movements or feeling as though there’s a blockage.
5. Abdominal cramping.
6. Constipation may give rise to bad breath (halitosis), body odour, a coated tongue, fatigue, gas and bloating, headaches, hemorrhoids (piles), indigestion, varicose veins, and depression.1. Diet will play a key role in combatting constipation see the dietary section below.
2. Since constipation is often caused or worsened when there is little or no physical activity, regular exercise will be beneficial with at least 30-60 min of regular activities such as walking, cycling, running, or aerobics that are done three to five times a week.
3. Establishing a regular bathroom routine (such as upon waking) and spending at least 5 min on the toilet may stimulate the urge to pass a stool.
4. Probiotics/probiotic foods and natural herbal supplements.
5. Natural laxatives and enemas. NOTE: When using laxatives it is important to take a probiotic to replace the friendly gut flora. Regular use of laxatives may deplete the friendly bacteria and can lead to chronic constipation. Using certain laxatives over extended periods can become habit-forming and problematic with even a tolerance developing to the laxative thus requiring larger and larger doses to have an effect. It is best not to rely on laxatives and to focus on lifestyle and dietary interventions wherever possible.
6. Castor Oil packs placed on the abdomen may assist. Rub the entire abdomen with castor oil, cover with plastic cling wrap to retain the oil, then put a dry towel on top. When done place a heating pad or a hot towel over the cling wrap for 20 minutes. NOTE: Do not place heating pads over an abdominal pain of unknown origin.

Nutrients and supplements:
1. Colon cleanse – for toxic and compacted colons, diarrhoea, constipation, and autointoxication.
2. Natra-lax – a natural laxative.
3. Acid Remedy – helps to balance your pH. When a burning feeling is felt in the anus it may be a sign of acidosis.
4. L-Glutamine – an amino acid that improves intestinal mucosa integrity, and reduces intestinal hyperpermeability (leaky gut syndrome)
5. Tummy remedy – helps to promote peak digestive function and relieve gastrointestinal conditions.
6. Probiotics – for restoring GI flora.
7. Allergy remedy – some symptoms of allergies may include constipation and IBS
8. Buffered vit C – for healing and cleansing
9. Vit B Complex – aids in proper digestion
10. Vitamin E – aids in healing the colon
11. Multi-vitamins – constipation can block the absorption of nutrients and vitamins leading to deficiencies.
12. Digestive Enzymes – to assist digestion. This digestive enzyme combination improves the digestion of nutrients.
13. Diatomaceous Earth – may help improve your gut health by detoxifying, cleaning the intestinal walls and digestive tract, increasing mineral absorption, and reducing gas and bloating.Constipation may be caused by:
1. Constipation is most commonly caused by an unhealthy or inappropriate diet where insufficient amounts of fiber and fluids are ingested.
2. Where there is little or no physical activity.
3. By the age of the individual (old age).
4. Taking certain medications, such as sedatives, opioids, antidepressants, and medications for hypertension.
5. Stool movement may be slowed or halted due to blockages in the colon or rectum.
6. Where there is decreased colonic motility due to a condition like scleroderma (an autoimmune condition), or a spinal cord injury.
7. With certain neurologic disorders such as a spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, or Parkinson’s.
8. Where metabolic abnormalities may be present like hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid), hypokalemia (low potassium levels), magnesium deficiency, and dehydration.
9. With certain psychological disorders (eating disorders) and depression.
10. Where piles (hemorrhoids), a hernia, or prolapse of the rectum or uterus is presentWith constipation, there may be a reluctance to release old ideas, becoming stuck in the past, being inflexible, and suppressing emotions.

In general, constipation is symbolic of a desire to hang on too firmly to things and the inability to let things go, it also represents an attempt to keep the unconscious, repressed.1. A healthy diet is indicated where fresh, unprocessed foods as close to their natural state as possible are consumed. Daily intake of the following is recommended: leafy green vegetables, whole grains (Eat at least 1 serving per day of whole grains such as oatmeal and brown rice.), fruit, and proteins containing only a minimum of animal fat. The intake of sugary foods and refined carbohydrates (such as white bread and white rice) needs to be avoided.

2. FIBER: Ensure that you consume an adequate amount of fiber daily consisting of leafy green vegetables like spinach, chard, kale, or beet greens.

3. HYDRATION: Drink at least 8 cups of filtered water per day also drinking diluted juices or broths will help keep you properly hydrated. hydration is especially important when the stools are hard. Avoid drinking milk as this may cause constipation in some individuals. For quick constipation relief try drinking a large glass of water every 10 min for half an hour, this can also help flush out toxins.

4. Avoid white flour, processed foods, sugar, white bread, cakes, pastries, dairy products, fizzy drinks, fried food, meat, spicy foods, and alcohol.

5. Eat smaller portions, try to avoid large meals also eat slowly and chew your food well. It is best to try to relax for a few minutes before eating a meal.

6. Specific constipation remedies:
i. Prunes and figs are excellent natural laxatives
ii. Try Eating 2-3 ripe bananas on empty stomach first thing in the morning
iii. Drink the following mixture for 30 days on an empty stomach before breakfast (Mix 2 tablespoons of raw potato juice with 1 tablespoon of honey and a little hot water).
iv. Eat the flesh of a fresh coconut twice a dayGastro Intestinal System,Digestive SystemColon cleanse (c), Natra-lax (c), Acid Remedy (t), L-Glutamine (c), Tummy remedy (t)(c), Calamus root tea, Candida, IB, & Parasite, Candida Remedy, Probiotics (d), Allergy remedy (t), Buffered vit C, Vit B Complex,

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