A physical and psychological dependence on alcohol where deprivation may result in withdrawal symptoms. Long-term overconsumption of alcohol may lead to physical and mental illness. Alcoholism may affect both sexes and all age groups. Alcoholism affects the brain, heart, and liver.The need for an alcoholic drink first thing in the morning, and overconsumption of alcohol, sleep disturbances, irritability, and irritation when overconsumption is suggested by others and mood swings. Cirrhosis of the liver, inflammation, ulceration of the gastrointestinal tract, and pancreatitis. Inflammation of the peripheral nerves may be present causing numbness and tingling sensations in the hands and feet, tremors, and blackouts. Congestive heart failure and a form of dementia may also develop. Pregnant alcoholic women are likely to damage the unborn child.1. Treatments include counseling, joining support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous, detoxification (drying out), and the treatment of any physical complications.
2. Total abstinence from all alcohol as even a sip or taste of something containing alcohol can lead to a relapse.
3. A nutrient-rich diet is indicated
Nutrients and Supplements:
1. Natra-Quit Alcohol – assists with preventing or lessening the craving for alcohol
2. Liver-heal caps – liver support
3. GABA – calms the body and helps prevent anxiety and stress
4. Buffered Vitamin C – is a powerful antioxidant and also helps the body resist infections (alcoholics are more susceptible to infections).
5. Multivitamins – malabsorption can be a problem with alcoholism, therefore it is important to supplement important nutrients.
6. L-Glutamine – may assist with cravings and balance blood sugar.
7. Magnesium – magnesium is often depleted with excessive alcohol use.
8. Vitamin B Complex & Vitamin B6 – for correcting deficiencies and aiding in recovery.
9. Barley Energizer – containing amino acids, minerals, and vitamins useful for correcting deficiencies. Some research indicates that a genetic element may exist that may predispose a person to alcoholism. Peer pressure, stress, personal relationships, the environment and personality as well as biochemical elements are also all contributing factors.Self rejection, feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, self-loathing, futility, insecurity and guilt. Suppressing emotional traumas.A hypoglycemic diet should be followed designed to help maintain blood sugar levels. Those suffering from alcoholism should avoid fried foods, fatty foods, rich foods, chocolate, nuts, coffee, alcohol, sugar and sweet foods, and simple carbohydrates. Hot spicy foods, dried fruits, and fruit juices should also be avoided. The following calorie percentages: 70% complex carbohydrates, protein 12-15%, fat 15-18% are optimal. Therapeutic foods that support the liver should be incorporated into the diet such as grapefruit, blueberries, cranberries, grapes, prickly pears, beetroot juice, and cruciferous vegetables.Digestive System,Cardiovascular System,Reproductive SystemNatra-Quit Alcohol (caps), Liver-heal caps,