Shepherd′s purse

Description: Shepherd′s purse is a ubiquitous annual plant, common in fields and waste places and along roadsides everywhere. Its erect, simple or branching stem grows from 6 to 18 inches high above a rosette of basal, gray-green, pinnatifid leaves. It also bears a few small, sessile, dentate leaves along its length. The small white flowers grow in terminal cymes, in many places blooming all year. The fruit is a flattened, heart-shaped or triangular, notched pod. 

Properties and Uses: Diuretic, styptic, vasoconstrictor. An extract of shepherd′s purse is an effective blood coagulant which can be used for internal or external bleeding. An infusion of the dried herb can also be used. Shepherd′s purse acts to constrict the blood vessels and thus to raise blood pressure, but it has also been said to regularize blood pressure and heart action whether the pressure is high or low. It is effective too for various menstrual problems, including excessive and difficult menstruation. It is sometimes used to promote uterine contractions during child-birth and can promote bowel movements with a similar effect on the intestines.

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