
Description: Knotgrass is an annual plant found in waste places and cultivated soils all over the world. The creeping, prostrate stem bears alternate, sessile, lanceolate leaves that narrow at the base, which is covered by brownish, sheathing, knot-like stipules. The axillary flowers, growing all along the stem, are green and white or green with pink or purple margins. Flowering time is from June to October. 

Properties and Uses: Astringent, diuretic, hemostatic, vulnerary. Knotgrass is recommended for diarrhea, dysentery, and enteritis. It is also said to be good for bronchitis, jaundice, and lung problems. As a blood coagulant, it is useful for all forms of internal bleeding, including stomach ulcers. Knotgrass has been successfully used for cholera infantum, a serious condition with simultaneous vomiting and diarrhea in infants. Taken regularly, the tea or the tincture dissolves gravel and stones. 

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