Natra-Heal Lugal’s Aqueous Iodine Solution BP
100 years ago, Iodine was known as “The universal medicine”.
Iodine is one of the great anti-viral, antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-mold, and anti-yeast agents available to us today. Unfortunately, due to the profit motive, Western Medicine has moved away from Iodine in favor of often dangerous anti-biotics.
Antibiotics (anti-life) today are overprescribed in medicine. ‘According to several studies, obstetricians and gynecologists write 2 645 000 antibiotic prescriptions every week. Internists prescribe 1 416 00 per week. This works out to 211 172 000 prescriptions annually in the United States, just for these two specialties. Pediatricians prescribe over $500 000 000 worth of antibiotics annually just for one condition, ear infections. (1) Here in South Africa the over prescription of antibiotics is of the same order and magnitude.
Taking antibiotics is like drinking a hand grenade. Antibiotics destroy both friendly as well as unfriendly bacteria (probiotics or pro-life). Antibiotics destroy large parts of your immune system causing recurring infections and other issues. Probiotics are bacteria and yeast that have many health benefits for you. People normally think of bacteria and yeast as being the cause of disease. Your body is full of probiotics and in fact, there are ten times more probiotic cells than human cells. Taking iodine is a far more natural and safer alternative to antibiotics which are literally destroying people’s lives. The good news is that iodine is safe for adults and children.
Iodine over the years
A prehistoric village was found in Chile with a medicine hut containing seaweed, an excellent source of iodine. The village dated from 13 000BC. Vincent Van Gogh was treated for syphilis with iodine, as documented in a letter to his brother. During the US Civil war iodine was used for keeping the soldiers healthy, treating infections, purifying water, and treating battlefield surgery complications.
In 1811 iodine was isolated as number 53 on the Periodic Table of Elements, with the symbol I. Iodine was found in its most concentrated form in seaweed.
History of Lugol’s Iodine (Lugol’s Solution)
French physician, Jean Lugol developed Lugol’s Iodine in 1829. It is 10 parts potassium iodide and 5 parts iodine. It is therefore 15% iodine. It fell out of favor in the 2nd part of the 20th century because of pharmaceutical company’s push to sell antibiotics. It is an effective bactericide and fungicide and has excellent anticancer effects.
Halogen Displacement
Iodine is one of five elements known as halogens. These 5 elements are fluorine, chlorine, bromine, astatine, and of course iodine. The other 4 halogens are poisonous to your thyroid gland. Because all 5 halogens have similar structures they can all attach to your thyroid glands’ iodine receptors. The toxic 4 halogens displace iodine.
We are exposed to these toxic elements every day, fluoride is in most toothpaste. Found in batteries, fertilizers, and bleaches perchlorate is made from chlorine, not to mention chlorine in tap water and in swimming pools. Bromine is found in many products we use daily such as:
- Bakery products (potassium bromate used as flower conditioner)
- Citrus drinks (cold drinks)
- Pesticides (methyl bromide often used on strawberries)
- Flame retardant materials such as mattresses, carpets, upholstery, and couches
- Baby products
- Asthma pumps
- Prescription drugs
- Plastic products such as computers
- Personal care products such as hair dyes, textile dyes, some cosmetics, and permanent waves
- Certain fabric dyes
- And many other products
Bromine is known as the bully of the halogens, displacing iodine from your thyroid gland.
Overexposure to bromine is called bromism and may cause:
You may feel tired, sick, foggy, and bloated because of bromine dominance. One or more of the toxic 4 halogens may be dominating your thyroid leaving no place for iodine. Once you supplement with the correct levels of iodine there will be no room for the toxic halogens.
Iodized Salt
Iodine has been added to table salt since 1924. By 1940 it became general practice. This method of iodine consumption has been effective in combating goiter. The average person consumes about 3 grams of iodized salt daily exceeding the RDA for iodine by 150mcg. The issue is that iodized salt has many health issued such as added aluminum and other chemical residues and causes sodium-potassium imbalances. Toxic iodized salt is added to most processed foods especially takeaways. Table salt is ‘sodium chloride’ by definition. One digests more chlorine than sodium and the chlorine is a halogen and displaces iodine so that the net iodine gain from table salt is very small. Table salt is highly toxic and is not fit for human consumption.
Radiation Exposure
We are all exposed to radiation from cell phones, power lines, computer screens and televisions. There are times that we are exposed to dangerously high levels of radiation from medical scans, use of cell phones, and flying to mention just a few.
Medical scans
CT scan usage has increased over the last few years. CT sans offers the same amount of radiation equivalent to 200 000 airport screenings. Mammograms are another dangerous form of screening. It is believed that 10 annual mammograms (as recommended by certain oncologists) produce the equivalent radiation to standing 500meters from a nuclear bomb. Everyone knows what happened to cancer rates in Japan after Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Many other medical scans cause radiation issues.
Cell Phones
Cell phones and cell towers have become a huge source of radiation. When you make a call your ear and brain heat up causing cellular damage.
Pilots and frequent flyers are at high risk because you are getting a higher dose of cosmic radiation. A 5-hour flight results in the equivalent radiation to a chest x-ray.
Radiation has a cumulative effect on your body, the more you are exposed to it the worse the effect.
Adequate iodine levels can protect you from harmful radiation exposure.
Iodine Deficiency
Unfortunately, your body is unable to make any iodine, so iodine deficiency can easily affect you. About 95% of people in the Western World are iodine deficient. Maintaining a healthy thyroid is critical for living a healthy and long life, to do this correct iodine levels are critical.
Deficiency Symptoms of Iodine
Natural Sources of Iodine
Iodine is present in the following:
Including the above foods will help to increase iodine levels in your body.
Iodine is the essential element
Iodine is vital for development and development in the human body. About 60% of the iodine in the body is stored in the thyroid gland. Every cell in the body relies on iodine for correct metabolism. The thyroid gland needs iodine to function correctly. By secreting hormones, the body’s metabolism is controlled. The thyroids functioning is controlled by iodine. The utilization of calories is controlled by the thyroid gland and therefore iodine. The utilization of minerals such as calcium and magnesium etc. is controlled by the thyroid gland. The removal of toxins is largely controlled by the thyroid gland. Iodine is responsible for the following:
- Regulating the metabolism (Base Metabolic Rate)
- Assists the thyroid gland to produce hormones
- Regulating the sleep cycle
- The absorption of food and its conversion into energy
- Thyroxine and triiodothyronine, hormones produced by the thyroid gland, help to control blood pressure and heart rate, body temperature, weight, and the synthesis of protein. These are essential elements for good health.
- Optimizes energy by ensuring that calories are used for energy and not stored as fat
- It is an important element for hair care, with low levels causing hair loss. It speeds up hair growth and follicle strength
- Skin, nails, and teeth are formed because of iodine
- Adequate iodine in pregnant women protects against stillbirths and neurocognitive conditions in newborn babies. Women who are breastfeeding must consume enough iodine for both themselves and their babies because it is consumed by the baby through the breast milk
- Iodine is a major booster of the immune system
- Iodine scavenges hydroxyl radicals and stimulates antioxidants throughout the body providing a strong defense against numerous diseases such as cancer, and heart disease
- As shown in rat studies iodine protects the brain by connecting fatty acids to cell membranes thus reducing the effect of harmful free radicles
- Hypothyroidism is prevented by iodine. Hypothyroidism results in body chemistry going, off track and a general slowing down of metabolism. The result is malfunctioning mitochondria (your cells tiny powerhouses) reducing the amount of fat that you burn; the result is massive weight gain. There are other causes of hyperthyroidism besides iodine deficiency however it is important to eliminate iodine as a possible cause by supplementing with iodine.
- Iodine stimulates hormonal activity, often helping with weight loss
- Hypothyroidism may cause dry skin, fatigue, constipation, cramps, swollen legs, and poor concentration. If not treated the results may be coma or heart conditions
- Iodine may significantly reduce conditions such as fibrosis, turgidity, and breast tenderness. Iodine has traditionally been used to treat fibrocystic diseases, with studies showing reduced signs and symptoms in fibrocystic breast disease
- Iodine removes toxic chemicals such as fluoride, lead, mercury, and other biological toxins from your body. It has important antibacterial qualities, particularly against Helicobacter pylori (H. Pylori) which is implicated in gastric cancer and gastric ulcers.
- Iodine cures goiter and enlarged thyroid gland. Iodine deficiency is generally understood to be the cause of goiter
- Iodine prevents cancer, one of the most important benefits. Studies have shown that tumors shrink when injected with iodine. Often cancer cells undergo apoptosis (automatic cell death) and are replaced with healthy cells. As you are aware the problem is that cancer cells do not die resulting in tumors.
- Breast cancer carcinoma cells, with increased iodine, show signs of apoptosis
- Studies show that thyroid cancer decreases as iodine is increased. Thyroid cancer is far more common in iodine-deficient people
- Iodine is particularly important when dealing with hormone-related cancers such as breast, uterine or endometrial and prostate cancers
- Cancer is a mitochondrial disease and therefore if the mitochondria malfunction cancer may occur
- Breast tissue collects iodine which acts as an antioxidant giving protection
- Fibrocystic breast disease is reduced when there is an adequate iodine supply
- Iodine stimulates the immune system (white blood cells) thus protecting against infectious diseases
- Iodine has antiseptic properties destroying bacteria, viruses, and pathogens
- Iodine acts as an adaptogen thus helping the body to adapt to toxins and stressors
- Making certain that the thyroid has sufficient iodine helps raise your metabolism and allows for the absorption of more nutrients thus reducing food cravings. If food cravings are reduced then weight gain is reduced
Caution should be taken when consuming over 2000mg (320 drops) of iodine as it could cause problems when people are suffering from tuberculosis or kidney issues. Excess consumption may be related to thyroid papillary cancer, causing rather than helping it.
One drop of iodine contains approximately 6.25 mg containing 40% iodine and 60% iodide.
Dr. Mark Sircus states in ‘Iodine, bringing back the universal medicine’ that he has safely given 15 drops to his 3-year-old son.
During the first half of the 20th Century, the recommended minimum daily dosage was 2 – 6 drops containing 12.5 to 37.5 mg.
When treating cancer doctors normally administer 50mg per day (8 drops) up to 100mg (16 drops)
Therefore, the daily maintenance dosage is 2 -6 drops and 8 – 16 drops may be used for a cancer protocol.
Starting at a low dosage and working up is very important. When dealing with thyroids that are in poor condition natural hormone administration may also be necessary.
Lugl’s Aqueous Iodine contains:
Iodine 5g/100ml
Potassium Iodide 10g/100ml
The solution is 15%
When supplementing with iodine always do so under the supervision of an experienced physician
Home testing for Iodine Deficiency / Thyroid Function
Test 1
The Temperature Test
For this test, you will need a thermometer. Place the thermometer in your armpit with your arm pressing down on it before getting up. Lie quietly without moving for 10 minutes. If your temperature is below 36.55 Degrees Celsius (97.8 F) then your thyroid is more than likely underactive. Do the test for 10 days in a row, if there are variations in the temperature then it could be an indication of stressed adrenal glands (high levels of stress).
The above test is very accurate at detecting an underactive thyroid and stressed adrenal glands.
Test 2
The Iodine Patch Test
Rub Iodine solution onto an area of skin, possibly the arm, about the size of a 50-cent coin. The iodine patch will be a golden brown color. Monitor the patch, if it soaks in under 24 hours then you have an iodine deficiency. The quicker it is absorbed the more deficient you are in iodine.
- Mark Sircus, OMD Treatment Essentials, Practicing Natural Allopathic Medicine, Page 148