Description: Black walnut is a Temperate Zone forest tree found in the eastern U.S. Its bark is rough and dark; the leaves are pinnately compound, with ovate lanceolate, serrate leaflets. Male and female flowers grow in separate catkins. The fruit is a deeply grooved nut inside a spherical rind.
Properties and Uses: Bark: astringent. Leaves: detergent. Rind: herpatic. An infusion or decoction of the bark can be taken for diarrhea and to stop the production of milk. Use it also as a douche for leucorrhea and as a mouthwash for soreness in the mouth or inflamed tonsils. The leaves can be used to make a cleansing wash, and the green rind of the fruit makes a good poultice to get rid of ringworm.
Some of the uses of black walnut tincture include;
It expels parasites, worms, and yeast.
Lowers blood pressure.
Helps with thyroid problems (especially low thyroid output).
Helps remove skin fungus including athlete’s foot.
Assists with asthma and other allergic reactions.
It is useful in the treatment of beriberi, the symptoms include weight loss, emotional disturbances, impaired sensory perception, weakness and pain in the limbs, and periods of irregular heart rate. Edema (swelling of bodily tissues especially the legs) is common. In advanced cases, the disease may cause heart failure and even death. the lactic acid in the blood may be increased.
Diarrhea and GI conditions may be helped.
Sore mouth, throat, and lung disease may be treated.
Black walnut hull extract may aid digestion.
It acts as a mild laxative.
It is helpful in fungal infections, herpes, poison ivy, and warts.
It also may be helpful in lowering cholesterol and blood pressure.