
An Introduction to Ozone Therapy Part 1 What is Ozone?

Ozone Therapy has been practiced since the mid nineteenth century and wherever possible should be a part of any healing protocol or maintenance program.

Some quick facts:

How is Ozone formed?

During photosynthesis oxygen is released from plants and plankton in the sea.   Because the oxygen is lighter than air it rises above 19 kilometers.   In this region ultraviolet radiation in the 185-200 nanometre wavelengths turns some of the oxygen into ozone.

How is Ozone generated by water?

Ozone forms when water crashes down waterfalls and because of wave activity in the sea, splitting the oxygen molecules apart and reforming as ozone. 

Is there a hole in the Ozone layer?

British scientist Gordon Dobson first discovered the ozone hole in 1956, long before the widespread use of CFCs.   It is interesting to note that the hole was above the Antarctic, and not above New York, London or Tokyo. 

Why should we get Ozone therapy?

Today the oxygen levels in the air that we breathe are often 20% and below.   Over the last 100 years large scale pollution, de-forestation on a mass scale etc. have reduced oxygen content in the atmosphere from above 38% to below 20% in some urban areas.

Ordinary oxygen exists in the form of molecules made up of two oxygen atoms.   Another very active form of oxygen exists called ozone.   Ozone is an energized form of oxygen that occurs naturally in the earth’s atmosphere.   Most ozone is formed in the upper atmosphere by radiation from the sun.   Ultra violet rays from the sun break the oxygen molecules apart; the free oxygen atoms attach themselves to other oxygen molecules forming ozone (03).   A powerful, colourless gas is formed by this chemical reaction.   Ozone gas is unstable and has a half-life of about 22 minutes.   After approximately 44 minutes the ozone gas (03) breaks up, reverting to ordinary oxygen (02).   The ozone layer is formed between 19 and 35 kilometres (12-22 miles) above the earth’s surface.   This layer tends to filter the suns radiation, thus protecting life on earth.

Ozone and other Oxygen Therapies have been practiced since the mid nineteenth century and wherever possible should be a part of any healing protocol or maintenance programme. Ozone Therapy is one of the safest therapies known to humankind. Not only is it extremely safe, it is also highly effective. Its oxygenating power means that it may be effective when treating a whole host of conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, obesity, cancer, psoriasis, candida albicans, viruses, bacterial conditions and even the common cold along with numerous other indications. Ozone has been shown to be effective in many degenerative conditions such as liver, kidney and heart disease. Because ozone helps the body to better transport and metabolize oxygen energetic processes are greatly enhanced resulting in improved sports performance. Ozone may assist the body to prevent or reverse disease because of the many processes that are improved in the body thus neutralizing bacterial enzymes that may be responsible for viral infection and replication in the white blood cells (immune system). Ozone is an immune modulator and in many cases may ‘reset’ the immune system which often results in the reduction or removal of autoimmune conditions.

Figure 1 Lightening generates Ozone

During electrical storms massive amounts of ozone is formed with every lightning strike. Ozone is manufactured because of the high voltage discharge which splits the 02 (oxygen) molecule into 01. The 01 reforms together with the 02 thus forming 03 (ozone).

Ozone layer absorbs between 97 and 99% of the sun’s medium frequency radiation (200nm – 315nm wavelength) otherwise lifeforms near the earth would be damaged. To some degree ozone protects the earth from harmful UV-B rays from the sun. Too much exposure to UV-B may cause skin cancer. UV-C may be the most harmful radiation but fortunately does not reach the earth because of the Ozone Layer. The sun’s radiation and full spectrum light is extremely important for our health and healing although sun exposure should be limited so that the skin is not ‘sunburned’.


The Hole in the Ozone Layer

As long ago as 1931 Noel Coward could not help but notice that only mad dogs and Englishmen went out in the midday sun.   Sane Indians stayed in the shade.   Clearly the sun’s radiation was strong and dangerous then, but has anything changed?   We have all heard that the ozone layer has become thinner, and that there is even a hole in it.   It has been suggested that the hole in the ozone layer has been caused by the increased usage of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).   This gas has been widely used in refrigerators and under arm deodorants.   It has been said that CFCs drift up into the upper atmosphere, which they do, and when they are struck by ultra violet, they release chlorine.   It is claimed that this chlorine breaks down a lot of ozone, causing thinning and holes in the ozone.   This has been demonstrated in laboratories; however, the atmosphere is far larger and more complicated.   The amount of chlorine released by nature, by volcanoes, is tens of thousands of times greater than that from CFCs.

British scientist Gordon Dobson first discovered the ozone hole in 1956, long before the widespread use of CFCs.   It is interesting to note that the hole was above the Antarctic, and not above New York, London or Tokyo.   From this it seems that we must conclude that the Eskimos are using too much underarm deodorant!

It has been predicted that chlorine from CFCs will attack the ozone, causing increased ultraviolet radiation to reach the ground, causing an increase in skin and other cancers.   This has proved not to be the case.   The fact is that there has been no observed increase in radiation since wide scale use of CFCs in the 1960s.  In the U.S.A. ultraviolet radiation was monitored at eight different locations between 1974 and 1985.   Quite the opposite affect was observed; instead of the expected increase in ultraviolet radiation there was in fact a decrease.

The worst prediction by the Greens and big business was that there would be a 10% reduction in ozone, this matters not, because even if it had come true a 10% decrease would be the equivalent to moving about 200 kilometres closer to the equator.

As is usually the case in situations such as this, the Montreal Protocol was the result.   This protocol banned safe, cheap, reliable and non-toxic refrigerants like R11 and R12 (CFC’s).   This was great for business because chemical producers could now sell so-called “ozone friendly”, replacement gasses such as R123 and R134 that were far more expensive (profitable), less efficient and more dangerous.   The rub of course is the fact that the new gasses are not compatible with existing equipment, forcing people to buy new refrigerators when the old ones ‘spring a leak’.   If you think about it how much gas has your refrigerator leaked into the atmosphere in the last ten years?   A refrigerator is a closed system and holds all its gas until it ‘springs a leak’.

People including the Greens, and big business have, and are making very good livings in the form of funding and huge profits.  Is this possibly one of the great hoaxes of the last 50 years?

What the Facts Tell Us.

During photosynthesis oxygen is released from plants and plankton in the sea.   Because the oxygen is lighter than air it rises above 19 kilometers.   In this region ultraviolet radiation in the 185-200 nanometre wavelengths turns some of the oxygen into ozone.   Ozone is constantly being formed and broken down during the daylight hours.   A large proportion of the ultraviolet rays reach the earth, allowing sun tanning and supplies the vitamin D for the body.   Vitamin D is known as the sunshine vitamin and is essential for bone health and may delay arthritis.   Vitamin D is important in strengthening the immune system, and possibly prevents some cancers.   Contrary to the teaching of the ‘ozone hoax’ it is vitally important that people spend at least 10 to 20 minutes a day in the sun for superior health.   Without enough energy from the sun the human body soon becomes weak and anaemic.   Ozone production in the upper atmosphere is dependent on the sun’s radiation, and therefore is generated during the daytime.   After dark the generation stops, and the unstable ozone (O3) molecules break up, reverting to oxygen (O2).   At night there is no ozone layer, and of course there is no need for one.   When the sun rises again in the morning the ozone layer reforms.   There is no ozone over the poles in their winters, because the sun does not shine there, and therefore there is no ultraviolet to generate ozone.   Ozone in the very low winter sunlight is not necessary because there is no need for its protection.

Ozone is formed in the upper atmosphere as long as there is sunlight, and because ozone is heavier than air, it falls towards the earth.   As it falls earthward it combines with any pollutants that it comes into contact with, purifying the air.   Ozone combines with any moisture that it comes into contact with, forming hydrogen peroxide (H2O2).   H2O2 is a component of rain, and one of the reasons that rainwater causes more garden growth than municipal water.   Facts are stubborn things.

Ozone acts as the earths immune system oxidising toxic compounds in the upper atmosphere and closer to earth thus protecting the earth from toxic overload.

Some of the Ways That Ozone is Generated

Ozone forms when water crashes down waterfalls and because of wave activity in the sea, splitting the oxygen molecules apart and reforming as ozone. That is one of the reasons that being at the seaside or near waterfalls are so calming and peaceful.

Ozone and Smog

It is said that ozone is a component of smog or visible air pollution, when the fact is that nothing could be further from the truth. Smog is made up of nitrogen oxides, smoke, sulphur oxides, and other particulates. Smog is caused by coal combustion emissions, vehicular emissions, forest and agricultural fires along with industrial emissions. Ozone being a strong oxidizer is electrically attracted to smog and immediately begins the oxidation process. When ozone is measured at the smog site it is therefore not a part of the problem, but a part of the solution. Media in the USA try to scare people by announcing ozone levels in smoggy areas.

Depletion of oxygen levels

Scientists working in the Antarctic made a remarkable discovery.   When they analysed air bubbles trapped in the ice, they found that the oxygen content was between 38% and 59%.   Today the oxygen levels in the air that we breathe are often 20% and below.   Over the last 100 years large scale pollution, de-forestation on a mass scale etc. have reduced oxygen content in the atmosphere from above 38% to below 20% in some urban areas.

The designer of our bodies never intended us to operate at levels as low as this.   In some major industrialised cities, the oxygen content is below 16%! Oxygen is most important for sustaining life itself.   If the oxygen content dropped below 7%, the human would die within 5 minutes.

  • 10 000 years ago, 02 air content was 38%
  • 200 years ago, 30%
  • Today 13-21%
  • 7% and below would result in asphyxiation

Beside the fact that oxygen levels in the air have dropped drastically, the air is also polluted.   In South Africa, for instance unleaded fuel has been introduced.   It has been said that this fuel is cleaner than leaded fuel, however in other countries catalytic converters are used so that the carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon pollutants are oxidised to carbon dioxide and water.  ‘Many fuel companies take a short cut to boost the octane levels in their unleaded petrol – they add heavy metals.  These have been found to not only be harmful to the environment, but to damage one of your biggest investments – your car.’   In South Africa, most cars are not fitted with these devices, contributing to extremely high levels of pollution.

Smoking, both actively and passively is also one of the main contributors to a lack of oxygen at the cellular level. If a group of people are sitting in a room and one person lights up a cigarette, after 20 minutes every person in the room has the same nicotine concentration in their blood.

Next time we will begin by looking at oxygen depletion and how it affects us.

Find out more about our Ozone Therapy

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