Ulcerative Colitis

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Ulcerative Colitis is a chronic, inflammatory bowel disorder where inflammation develops in the large bowel, the lining of the colon often becomes inflamed and ulcers develop, it is recognised by bloody diarrhea. Ulcerative Colitis attacks can range from mild to severe, having ulcerative colitis increases the risk of developing colon cancer, it is therefore important to have regular colonoscopies if the condition lasts for five years or more.

Ulcerative Colitis is seen in both sexes and can affect all age groups, it is observed mostly in the white population group.

This disorder usually begins in the sigmoid colon and/or rectum (Proctosigmoiditis), and then usually progresses until the entire colon is affected. In ulcerative colitis, only the colonic mucosa is involved.


General symptoms may include:
1. Rectal pain and bleeding;
2. Bloody diarrhoea, often accompanied by pus;
3. Abdominal cramps and pain;
4. Urgency to defecate;
5. Inability to defecate despite urgency;
6. Weight loss;
7. Fever;
8. and Fatigue.

Ulcerative colitis can be classified according to its location, these include:
1. Ulcerative proctitis. Where Inflammation is confined to the area closest to the anus (rectum). In this form rectal bleeding may be the only sign of the disorder.

2. proctosigmoiditis is where Inflammation is seen in the rectum and sigmoid colon (the lower end of the colon). Here bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramps, pain, and an inability to move the bowels are experienced.

3. Left-sided colitis is where Inflammation extends from the rectum, the sigmoid, and descending colon. Symptoms include bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramping and pain on the left side, and urgency to defecate.

4. Pancolitis. This type often affects the entire colon causing episodes of severe bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramping, and pain. Fatigue and significant weight loss are also seen.

NOTE: Ulcerative colitis in its early stages can often mimic arthritis with body aches and joint pain. If altering the diet improves these symptoms then it may not be arthritis.


1. Dietary interventions and supplementation
2. Stretching exercises and digestive enzymes may help improve digestion
3. Avoid wearing clothing that is tight around the waist.
4. Identifying food sensitivities
5. Cleansing enemas may assist with removing undigested food from the colon and relieve pain.
6. For acute pain drinking a large glass of water may assist in flushing out particles caught in the crevices of the colon thus relieving pain.

Supplements and nutrients:
1. Inflammation formula – a general anti-inflammatory, for all inflammatory conditions.
2. Tummy formula – helps to promote peak digestive function and relieve gastrointestinal conditions.
3. Probiotics – aid in restoring imbalances in gastrointestinal flora
4. Iron – supplementation may be required by people with ulcerative colitis
5. Digestive enzymes – traditionally used to assist digestion. This digestive enzyme combination improves the digestion of nutrients.
6. Vitamin B Complex – aids digestion by breaking down fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.
7. L-Glutamine – helps to maintain the absorption surface of the intestine (villi), and is also a metabolic fuel for the intestinal cells.
8. Colloidal silver – is a natural antibiotic that fights infections and suppresses inflammation.
9. Buffered Vitamin C – is required for immune function and the healing of mucous membranes.
10. Boswellia – for inflammation and conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory bowel disease.
11. Fibre cleanse – for a toxic and compacted colon. Diarrhea, constipation, and autointoxication.


Although the exact cause of Ulcerative Colitis is unknown many contributing factors may be involved such as:

1. Overuse of antibiotics
2. Food sensitivities
3. Poor stress management
4. Genetic inheritance
5. An abnormal immune response against some microorganisms

Underlying Emotions

Colitis patients can be afraid of living their own lives, realizing their own personalities and potential. There is often fear, inflamed thinking, seeing red, anger, and frustration about conditions in their lives. This leads to unreleased feelings of resentment, feelings of oppression, and defeat.

Ulcerative Colitis often occurs in excessively dependent, parentally-controlled individuals (usually maternally). Because of over-exacting parents, a great need for affection is required.


Diet is a key factor in achieving and maintaining remission in ulcerative colitis.
Keeping a food journal is most beneficial as this will help identify which foods are linked to your symptoms, food sensitivities are often implicated in ulcerative colitis flare-ups.

The following dietary considerations are important:
1. All food must be eaten slowly and chewed well. It’s best not to eat while reading or watching television.

2. Hydrate well, especially if experiencing diarrhoea

3. Avoid fizzy drinks, spicy food, caffeine, red meat, sugar, and processed food.

4. Avoid eating too many types of foods at one time. Stick to one type of starch per meal. Eat more steamed vegetables than raw ones

5. Decrease intake of refined foods, and move rather to a high complex carbohydrate, high fiber diet.

6. Increase intake of dark leafy green vegetables as these are rich in vitamin K. (A vitamin K deficiency has been implicated in ulcerative colitis).

7. Eat fruit between meals and not on an empty stomach. Acidic fruits should be avoided and fruit juices need to be diluted with water.

8. During flare-ups eating soft foods that are easily digestible such as baby foods may assist. Supplementing with extra fiber is indicated while eating soft foods.

As the condition stabilises, fiber and unrefined foods are important to continue the health of the colon.


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