Haemorrhoids (Piles)

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Haemorrhoids are swollen, inflamed, or varicose veins found around the anus and within the rectum (the lowest portion of the colon). They are classified as internal, external, or prolapsed.
1. Internal haemorrhoids are located inside the rectum, these haemorrhoids are usually painless since rectal tissue does not contain nerve fibres. Internal haemorrhoids are prone to bleeding.
2. External haemorrhoids can be quite painful, they develop at the opening of the anal cavity under the skin.
3. Prolapsed haemorrhoids protrude outside of the anus, and may bleed profusely often with a mucous discharge and are quite painful.

Haemorrhoids are also referred to as “piles”. Haemorrhoids may develop at any age but are more common in middle or old age. Pregnant women also seem to be more susceptible.


Haemorrhoid symptoms can include:
1. Rectal bleeding (bright red blood on the toilet paper or in the toilet bowl) often with mucous discharge.
2. Burning pain (external or prolapsed)
3. Itching, irritation, and swelling

NOTE consult a medical professional if the following occur:
1. An increased or unexpected weight loss occurs
2. There is a diminishing appetite
3. Constant diarrhoea
4. intermittent bouts of diarrhoea and constipation


1. Lifestyle and diet.
2. Regular exercise.
3. When cleaning the anal area avoid using perfumed soap products as this may irritate the sensitive tissue.
4. Hot baths and taking warm sitz baths can also be beneficial for pain and inflammation.
5. Vitamin, mineral, and fibre supplements. Fibre supplements such as psyllium, guar gum, or pectin may reduce haemorrhoids as these promote better bowel movements.
6. Raw peeled potato suppositories cut into a cone shape may help heal haemorrhoids.
7. NOTE: Pain medications containing aspirin or ibuprofen should be avoided as they may make bleeding worse
8. Surgical treatments may be required If large haemorrhoids are present, or if other treatments haven’t helped.

Nutrients and supplements:
1. Haemorrhoid formula – for both internal and external haemorrhoids.
2. Natra-Lax – a natural laxative helping to keep the colon clean thus relieving pressure on the rectum.
3. Buffered Vit C – helps with healing and blood clotting
4. Vitamin E – promotes healing and blood clotting.
5. Vitamin B Complex – aids with digestion
6. Colon cleanse – helps with constipation, and toxic and compacted colons.
Vitamin D3 – Promotes healing of the mucous membranes and tissue.
7. Pottasium – constipation is common with potassium deficiencies.


Haemorrhoids may be caused by:
1. Chronic constipation. It is important not to strain when moving the bowels, also do not sit for longer than 10 minutes at a time on the toilet as this can cause blood to pool in the hemorrhoidal veins. A bad diet too low in fibre and not drinking enough water may lead to constipation.
2. Laxative overuse. Laxatives containing chemical preparations can cause the bowels to become dependent on their use, also certain strong laxatives may induce straining when moving the bowel.
3. A sedentary lifestyle (Get regular exercise)
4. A sluggish liver or liver disease (cirrhosis)
5. Pregnancy.
6. Obesity.
7. Sitting or standing for extended periods and sitting on cold, hard surfaces. When sitting for long periods use an ordinary soft cushion as extra padding. Doughnut cushions are not recommended as they may make the problem worse.
8. Straining due to lifting heavy objects. When lifting heavy objects it is important to bend the knees (not the back) and also avoid holding your breath as this places additional pressure on the haemorrhoidal veins. Wherever possible try to avoid lifting heavy objects.

Underlying Emotions

Haemorrhoids may be associated with aggressive toilet training at an early age, unexpressed anger, resentment, fear of letting go, feeling overburdened, and the fear of deadlines.


1. A healthy diet is indicated where fresh, unprocessed foods as close to their natural state as possible are consumed. Daily intake of the following is recommended: leafy green vegetables, whole grains, fruit, and proteins containing only a minimum of animal fat. The intake of sugary foods and refined carbohydrates (such as white bread and white rice) needs to be kept to a minimum.

2. Be sure your diet contains sufficient fibre. Eating at least 2 of the following foods daily will assist with this: 1 bowl of salad, 1 cup of cooked leafy green vegetables, 1 apple, or 1 tablespoon of wheat or oat bran.

3. Drink a minimum of 8 glasses of filtered water per day.

4. Certain berries such as blackberries, cherries, and blueberries contain compounds that strengthen the veins. Adding these to the diet will assist with haemorrhoids.

5. Beets support the functioning of the liver and promote ease in bowel movements. Beets contain betalains and other compounds that assist to reduce inflammation.


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