Bladder infection (Cystitis)

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Cystitis is an acute inflammation or infection of the urinary bladder mostly due to gram-negative bacteria. This condition can affect both sexes although more women tend to suffer due to their shorter urethra and the use of contraceptive diaphragms.

Recurrent cystitis infections may be a sign of a more serious underlying problem, these could include an immune deficiency, an anatomical anomaly, or bladder cancer. In cases where infections are frequent, it may be wise to schedule a Cystoscopy.


The onset of a cystitis infection may be very sudden sometimes within 1 hour or maybe more gradual, developing within a day or over the course of several days

The following symptoms may be experienced:
1. Pain, burning, or stinging when urinating.
2. The need to urinate more frequently and urgently than usual.
3. Dark, cloudy, or strong-smelling urine.
4. Lower back pain.
5. Fever is usually absent, if present however this may indicate the infection has spread to the kidneys
6. Blood in the urine may indicate an underlying condition so it’s best to consult a health care practitioner.


The typical conventional treatment for cystitis in acute uncomplicated cases is antibiotics. If some sort of urinary anatomic abnormality is present, such as a neuropathic GU tract lesion, or obstructive uropathy, surgery may be required to correct the problem

1. Drink plenty of liquids (one glass of water every hour)
2. Avoid wearing nylon underwear, cotton is best
3. Taking hot sitz baths may help relieve pain associated with cystitis (Sitz baths are a type of therapy done by sitting in warm, shallow water. It can assist to soothe pain, itching, and other symptoms in the anal and genital areas)

Nutrients and supplements:

1. Bladder formula – for a burning bladder, weak bladder, bladder infections, cystitis, bladder infections, burning urination, and inflamed bladder.

2. Colloidal silver – a natural antibiotic

3. Buffered vitamin C – creates an antibacterial effect through the acidification of the urine

4. Vitamin B Complex – required if high doses of antibiotics are used

5. Renotone – for urinary tract infections

6. Cranberry concentrate – an effective herbal remedy for bladder infections

7. Zinc – required for tissue repair and immunity


1. The primary cause of bladder infections is E. coli, E Coli accounts for 85% of infections, this is followed by Klebsiella, Proteus, Enterobacter aerogenes, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Occasionally Staph Albus/aureus or Strep faecalis, gram-positive organisms, are also involved.

The following may increase the risk of infections:
2. Structural abnormalities (neuropathic GU tract lesion, or obstructive uropathy)
3. Using aluminum cookware may contribute to cystitis symptoms
4. Use of a catheter for long periods
5. Taking certain prescription drugs
6. The use of irritating hygiene products
7. In women infections may occur as a result of sexual intercourse and through the use of contraceptive diaphragms.
8. Retaining urine for long periods may increase the risk
9. Antibiotic overuse may make bacteria more resistant
10. Postmenopause

Underlying Emotions

Bladder problems may represent anxiety, holding onto old ideas, fear of letting go, and feeling guilty when expressing emotional needs.
Feeling anger and frustration about conditions in one’s life.


1. Drink plenty of liquids (one glass of water every hour) especially cranberry juice ( Research suggests that cranberry juice may help protect against bladder infections and UTIs due to its antibacterial properties)
2. Increase intake of watermelon (including seeds), celery, and parsley as they act as natural diuretics
3. Fresh blueberries may assist with the prevention of infections due to the anthocyanidins found in their blue pigment.
4. Avoid: caffeine, alcohol, fizzy drinks, chocolate, processed, refined foods, and simple sugars.


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