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Arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis involve the build-up of fats, cholesterol, and other substances in and on the artery walls, which may cause an Intimal thickening and hardening of one or many arteries.

a. Atherosclerosis involves the buildup of calcium deposits.
b. In atherosclerosis, the deposits consist of fatty substances.

If left unchecked the progression of atherosclerosis or arteriosclerosis can lead to a heart attack or stroke due to clogged arteries.


If left unchecked atherosclerosis/arteriosclerosis can trigger a heart attack or stroke due to clogged arteries, and may include the following symptoms:

a. Chest pain or pressure (angina)
b. Sudden arm or leg weakness or numbness.
c. Slurred speech or difficulty speaking.
d. Brief loss of vision in one eye.
e. Drooping facial muscles.
f. Pain when walking.
g. High blood pressure


Research indicates that appropriate dietary and lifestyle changes may reduce plaque formation, therefore prevention is the best treatment for atherosclerosis/arteriosclerosis. Treatments will involve:
a. Weight loss where applicable
b. Dietary changes, and nutritional supplementation
c. Exercise programs
d. Avoid smoking and alcohol.
e. The control of blood pressure and blood sugar.
f. Chelation therapy
g. Angioplasty and bypass surgery may be required where angina is disabling and where the hardening of the arteries has occurred.
h. Stress reduction
i. Intravenous ozone therapy. With ozone therapy, the blood is purified because of the oxygen that it contains. The cellular waste build-up is eliminated more efficiently because of sufficient oxygen. When oxygen/ozone is ingested for extended periods of time the arteries are cleaned out due to the oxidizing effect that it has on plaque build-up. Once the blood is cleaned properly blood pressure should be restored to normal.

Nutrients and supplements:
1. Omega 3 – helps lower cholesterol and reduce elevated blood pressure, and also assists in maintaining blood vessel health
2. Ginkgo biloba – improves circulation and increases oxygenation
3. Cholesterol formula – May assist with lowering LDL (bad cholesterol) and maintaining levels of HDL (good cholesterol). May also assist with hypertension, arteriosclerotic plaque build-up, and any cardiovascular issues. It May also help prevent heart attack and stroke.
4. Heart and cholesterol tincture – is used to treat cardiovascular problems such as heart conditions, arteriosclerosis, and high cholesterol.
5. Blood vessel formula – used for treating hypertension, and atherosclerotic plaque build-up, any cardiovascular problems. Helps to prevent heart attacks and strokes.
6. Buffered vitamin C – for blood vessel health. When the collagen in the blood vessel walls begins to break down, an early form of scurvy, the vessel walls become unstable. The result is the formation of millions of minute lesions and larger cracks in the coronary arteries and other blood vessel walls. The coronary arteries are compressed flat over 100,000 times per day because of the pumping action of the heart. This action is like taking a water hose and jumping on it 100,000 times per day, every day. As the blood vessel walls begin to break down the body’s natural repair mechanisms begin to take action and large quantities of cholesterol and other repair factors such as lipoproteins are produced in the liver. These large quantities of cholesterol etc are released into the bloodstream where they enter the blood vessel walls and begin to repair the damage. Because the coronary arteries are most stressed and therefore sustain the most damage they require the most repair work. The cholesterol is just performing its correct function of stabilizing the blood vessel walls. For more information see our Cardiovascular Program. Vitamin C is also responsible for the conversion of cholesterol into harmless bile acid
7. Vitamin B Complex – is an antioxidant and improves the immune system. It protects against second-hand smoke and pollutants. It may delay or prevent heart disease.


Evidence suggests that atherosclerosis is a “disease of affluence”, in cultures that have different lifestyle patterns this condition is relatively absent.

The major risk factors for atherosclerosis/arteriosclerosis are:
a. Hypertension
b. Smoking
c. Hereditary factors
d. Diabetes
e. Abnormal cholesterol levels
f. Bad lifestyle and diet
g. Age
h. Obesity

Underlying Emotions

Gradually mounting stress of an emotional nature may be significant in those with atherosclerosis/arteriosclerosis. In some cases, there can be resistance, tension, a hardened narrow-mindedness, and refusal to see the good in life.

There are often challenges with self-love and acceptance which lead to difficulties opening up to others resulting in feelings of not being accepted by loved ones. There are often feelings of guilt and fear relating to disappointing the expectations of others.

There is a tendency toward self-isolation, and not trusting others on an emotional level often with a degree of self-sabotage. Anger can be used as a defense mechanism due to past traumas and is not given up easily.


Atherosclerosis is more likely to develop in those with poor dietary and lifestyle habits. Prevention is the most effective treatment for atherosclerosis.

1. It is important to maintain a healthy diet and include sufficient quantities of dietary fiber and foods rich in vitamin E to improve circulation. Daily servings of leafy green vegetables, whole grains (brown rice, oatmeal, and whole-wheat bread), fruit, and proteins with a minimum of animal fat are recommended. Consuming fish rich in essential fatty acids such as mackerel, herring, and salmon twice per week will be beneficial.

2. Avoid sugar, cake, junk food, spiced foods, processed foods, high cholesterol foods, fizzy drinks, fried foods, refined carbohydrates, and reduce consumption of coffee, alcohol, meat, and dairy products.


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